Today's "thing I love" is pretty basic--Mega Bloks, specifically the toddler size blocks. We had a handful of them when L was little but now that T is a toddler I knew I wanted to build our collection. You can usually find a set of 80 for around $20, but I found a bag of 100 at Ross for $13 (woohoo!) and gave them to T for Christmas. Since then,
both kids have been enjoying them. Here they are working on a tall tower:

I love that this is something we can all play together. I'll bring in the bag and dump out all the blocks and we'll work together or separately but everyone has a great time. Yesterday I dumped out the bag for the kids, started a load of laundry and then joined in. L didn't want to build but wanted to play "Open Season" (like the movie) but his favorite scene is when the dam breaks--so we built and broke a dam over and over while T did her own building thing. Another time, L played the 3 Little Pigs with the blocks, building the straw, stick and brick houses and blowing them down etc. Obviously at 18 months T is a little more random, but of course building is great for her fine motor skills. A toy both my kids can enjoy together--Love It!
What toys do your kids play with together?
We are a big Lego family. The oldest builds bug houses, the boys like to build airplanes, that float, or make train noises.
My Hubby can't wait until they are ready to play with real legos (not the duplo), so he can get out his collection from childhood. I need to really work on that honeydo list before that happens.
We Legos too!! I love the big tower! Fun.
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