Hi there! I'm "Eos Mom." I live in Phoenix, Arizona, with Hubby and our kids. L is our 5-year-old son. {He has a chronic illness called Eosinophilic Esophagitis (hence my nickname).} T is our 2-year-old daughter. I started this blog thinking I would connect with other families dealing with Eosinophilic disorders but it turns out I blog about all sorts of stuff.
-everyday stories from my life
-movies I've watched
-books I've read
-my attempts at getting organized
-dealing with EE and food allergies
Some of my favorite things:
-junk food
-tv {Castle, Glee, Project Runway, So You Think You Can Dance, The Office}
-chick flicks {not that I have any time to watch them}
-reading mommy blogs
I am not at all tech-savvy, so this is very much a work-in-progress blog, but I'm having fun with my little corner of the blogosphere and I'll hope you'll visit often {and leave a comment!}. Thanks!