1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?
I was a History major in college and I loved it, I wish I could've stayed more years so I could take all the classes in my department (that's an exaggeration, I was really most interested in American history). What I would change is what I did after college. I went to law school (and met my husband so I don't actually want a do-over) and part of me wishes I had gone to graduate school in History. I think I would've liked being an historian.
I was a History major in college and I loved it, I wish I could've stayed more years so I could take all the classes in my department (that's an exaggeration, I was really most interested in American history). What I would change is what I did after college. I went to law school (and met my husband so I don't actually want a do-over) and part of me wishes I had gone to graduate school in History. I think I would've liked being an historian.
2. What do you love most about your home?
I love our living room. That's where we hang out most of the time. It's completely given over to the kids' toys, I rarely bother to clean up. It was designed to be a "great room" with a dining area, but we don't have a table in there and we raised the chandelier so it's just one big play room (plus tv and couch/chairs of course).
I love our living room. That's where we hang out most of the time. It's completely given over to the kids' toys, I rarely bother to clean up. It was designed to be a "great room" with a dining area, but we don't have a table in there and we raised the chandelier so it's just one big play room (plus tv and couch/chairs of course).
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
Everything. Lately I like biographies. Jane Austen. Classics like those by Dickens that I've never read. Mysteries like Agatha Christie. Nonfiction. My home is filled with books and I have several piles of books I want to read. :-)
Everything. Lately I like biographies. Jane Austen. Classics like those by Dickens that I've never read. Mysteries like Agatha Christie. Nonfiction. My home is filled with books and I have several piles of books I want to read. :-)
4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Nothing too exotic. I spent 6 weeks in France during college and I had to eat what was placed in front of me. I was a little grossed out eating rabbit, since bunnies are pets here in America. But it actually (say it with me now) tasted like chicken. The hardest thing for me to choke down that summer was sorrel (similar to spinach)--that was too gross for me to finish, it made me gag. I can't think of anything weirder that I've eaten.
Nothing too exotic. I spent 6 weeks in France during college and I had to eat what was placed in front of me. I was a little grossed out eating rabbit, since bunnies are pets here in America. But it actually (say it with me now) tasted like chicken. The hardest thing for me to choke down that summer was sorrel (similar to spinach)--that was too gross for me to finish, it made me gag. I can't think of anything weirder that I've eaten.
5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
I loved Lorelai on the Gilmore Girls, she was a hip and cool mom, though I'm probably nothing like her. These days I'd like to be similar to Claire Huxtable (mom on the Cosby Show) or maybe Mrs. Cunnigham (from Happy Days), though I can't remember her parenting style, she was just funny. I'm a tv junkie, I could think of a million characters to be. You know who I think is a great tv mom? The mom on Little Bill on Nick Jr. (oddly enough she's also voiced by Phylicia Rashad aka Mrs. Huxtable)--she is so calm and has all the answers.
That's it for today. Check out others' answers over at My Little Life. Have a great weekend!
This looks like a fun meme to participate in. The food you had to eat in France doesn't sound delicious but that's neat you were able to spend 6 weeks there! The grossest thing I've ever had to eat is liver and onions! It was then that I vowed to NEVER make my kids eat something nasty just because it tastes good to me.
I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my paper doll post! It made me smile (especially since you are so excited about it even though your little girl is only 1)! ☺
Have a fantastic summer!
Mrs. Cunningham? How cute! Bunny Rabbit now that's one I haven't tried yet. Love Jane Austen.
thanks for adding my button to your sidebar. It looks beautiful:)
What a great meme:-)
Thanks for the visit! Love the tv-mom comparisons! :)
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