Weekly Blitz
This week my only blitz was on Monday. I set the timer for 30 minutes and did the following:
-changed the laundry
-cleaned the downstairs (half) bathroom (toilet, sink, mirror)
-scrubbed pots and pans
Very productive and no interruptions. Shocking ;-)
Big Project
Okay, so we're supposed to name a big project to work on this summer. Well my house is brimming with projects. It took having a second child to kick me in the pants and make me want to get organized. I've named 2009 my Year to Get Organized, but with so little "free" time, I'm not likely to finish by Dec. 31. It's June 5th already--eek! But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (that's a quote, but I can't remember who said it, sorry). So for my summer blitz project, I choose my foyer table (or, more specifically, the top shelf of my foyer table).
Identify the Problem:
Historically it's been a dumping ground, lots of mail to be filed or shredded. I've made my first step toward organizing by putting out three matching baskets. Eventually they will be: one to file, one to recycle, one to shred (we're quite anal about not throwing out mail that could aid identity theft, but that creates a huge pile of crap waiting to be shredded). Right now one box is to file and one is to recycle, but the 3rd basket is full of stuff to sort. So in order to complete this project, I need to finish sorting the sort pile (that will leave the basket free to become the shred pile), and file the file pile. I also bought some $1 cardboard magazine files so that once the space is cleared I can set those up and stand up my various binders and folders. My goal is that between the baskets and magazine files that my foyer table will become an organized area of my home for sorting mail and finding the things I need.
Plan for the Week:
Between two kids and my struggles with time-management, my goal will have to be modest. I will try to do a 30-minute blitz of this area this week. The "to file" basket is pretty full, that's probably where I should start.
Start and End Dates:
I'll start this week (June 5) and give myself the whole summer. How about August 31 for a potential end date? I'd love to finish sooner and move on to another area, but let's be realistic.
Before Picture:
I'll try to post a picture next week.
For more blitzing, check out Organized Everyday. Thanks!
You're such a team player! Woot! Good job. That foyer will have a new personality before the summer is out.
Sounds like a great project! And I love how realistic you are with your goals. Can't wait to see your progress.
Its so amazing how before you know it you have all these things you see need to be done:)I do agree you are being realistic with what you need to get done!So good luck on getting all of the things you would like done.Have a good day!
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