Okay, this wasn't the best week for me but Wednesday was busy and productive--once I banned myself from the computer for 4 hours. Still I only managed one blitz that day and once again it was the pots and pans. I set the timer for 15 minutes, but there were a few interruptions (such is life with kids), so when the timer buzzed I kept going till everything was clean--only five minutes more.
Thursday I was ready for a real blitz, the kind where you gets lots done. I set the timer for 20 minutes (the time I had until I had to make T's bottle), but all I accomplished was to clean the high chair and wash a beanie baby that was puked on during the recent stomach bug. Yuck.
I know that was hardly worthy of a blog post, but I wanted you all to know I'm trying. Struggling, but trying. For more blitzing, head over here.