Hello and welcome! Here's what's going on in my world. T {my 3 year old daughter} vomited all over her bed at midnight last night. We threw her in the bath, gave her a Zofran and put her in our bed where she puked about 8 more times before 4:30 am. By the grace of God, we were able to get some sleep in between. (Hubby moved to the couch, but returned each time he heard retching--good man!) I'm happy to report she's now keeping down fluids and some bland food and we saw the nurse practitioner this morning who confirmed it's a stomach bug and ruled out strep and a UTI. Now my son has a fever and we're counting down till he starts puking.
Typical, am I right? This blog is about my frazzled life with two kids. L is my son--he'll be seven (gasp!) this summer and T as I mentioned is my 3 year old girl. I am a 37 years old SAHM {if you want to check out some "how did I get here" posts, you should read here and here.} I've been married to my awesome husband for 13 years. We live in Phoenix. T is in preschool, L is in kindergarten. They both go to speech therapy twice a week although L is about to graduate, hooray. L has food allergies to wheat, corn, peaches and pineapple, though he used to be allergic to everything, so it's not so bad. Technically, he has a chronic illness called Eosinophilic Esophagitis {check out the "About Eosinophilic Esophagitis" tab at the top of my blog}--it's been a long road but he is doing super awesome and we just avoid those trigger foods.
I like to do a "week in review" post on Fridays (or whenever) where I include what I'm reading and watching. Once upon a time, I thought I'd like to be a movie reviewer but it turns out I'm lousy at writing reviews--so I just write a few sentences about a show or a book and whether I recommend it or not. Nothing fancy.
My new thing is style, as in I'm trying to find some. I've started following style/daily outfit blogs so occasionally I'll post pics of my outfits {here's one such post}. This summer I will be attempting to spice up my regular shorts and t-shirt outfits with necklaces and cute shoes.
Okay, now I'm just rambling {that happens a lot}. PLEASE leave me a comment letting me know you were here and I'll return the visit. And feel free to click around here and check things out. Happy Partying!
How funny are you? Your first paragraph sums up life in general, doesn't it. You never know, being a mom, what the next moment will bring. I can't wait to take a look around.
amy @ whilewearingheels.blogspot.com
Awh...I hope your L & T get better soon. Love your sense of humor. I too am trying to find some style. Thanks for stopping by my world. I'm your newest follower. Enjoy the party!
Oh I really do not like cleaning up throw up. Did it pass onto the rest of the family? I live in Tucson and they sent a note home that it is rampant in the school so beware. Oh I am! Glad to have found your blog and just followed.
Thanks for visiting our blog! It's nice to meet you too! So exciting that your little one is getting ready to graduate from therapy!
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