I've made giant frosted sugar cookies before--love them--but this was my first time trying a shape (other than, you know, round). I've used both refrigerated Pillsbury dough and sugar cookie mix; this year I'll be using this recipe so it's wheat-free.
I covered a round pizza pan in foil and sprayed it with Pam. I divided the dough into 4 blobs, the first three I shaped into hearts for the leaves and the 4th blob made the stem. This is what it looked like going into the oven. {Bake according to dough directions, though it might take extra long to cook 'cuz it's huge--keep an eye on it.}

This post will be linked to Tip Me Tuesday, This Week's Cravings {thanks so much for the invite, Tina}, Works for me Wednesday, and Things I Love Thursday. Yummmm!
We are hosting a linky party THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS with "Everything GREEN for St. Patrick's Day". We would LOVE for you to link up this amazing recipe!
Thanks for coming by and linking up to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS "everything green"! Each Monday is a new theme and on this Monday it will be CHOCOLATE... CHOCOLATE... and MORE CHOCOLATE. I hope you have a recipe to come link-up (or maybe this will inspire you to make something new this weekend). Hope to see ya Monday at THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS!
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