Reading now:
I pulled a novel off my upstairs bookshelf recently: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. My sister gave me the book a few years ago as a gift, she'd read it and liked it, but I'm just now getting around to it. I read it when I'm upstairs, often when the kids are bathing (don't called Child Protective Services, I'm right next to them). So far I'm enjoying the writing style, we'll see how long I can handle the plot.
My husband bought us the Nook (e-reader) for Christmas. Woohoo! Hopefully this will provide another avenue for fitting reading into my schedule. It came preloaded with Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, which I've never read, if you can believe it. In my defense, I read a biography of Alcott in middle school and since much of Little Women is autobiographical, I feel like I know the story... anyway, I've only started the second chapter, but so far I'm enjoying it.
I am also reading A Pocket Full of Rye by Agatha Christie. This is the book I'm primarily focused on right now, as I'm reading it along with my BFF (like our own little long-distance book club)--so far the dead guy was much-hated and there are a variety of suspects. It's a Miss Marple mystery (my mom recommended Miss Marple) but she's yet to show up on the scene. Last year I read a Poirot mystery by Christie and was surprised how many clues I hadn't put together.
Coming up, I hope:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies {The first e-book I downloaded to the Nook (free!)--as a die-hard Austen fan, I couldn't resist.}
Roofwalker by Susan Power {This has been on my shelf for years, time to give it a try.}
Great Expectations {Hubby bought me several classics last year including this one.}
The Known World by Edward P. Jones {Another novel that's been on my shelves for years and looks intriguing.}
And I'm still in the middle of volume two of this biography of Eleanor Roosevelt.
For more book lists, head to Life As Mom.
What are you reading this year? And what's your favorite book ever?
PS These are not affiliate links.
I used to read while my children were in the tub, too. Now my husbands watches them while I work on chores. *Sigh*
I am a HUGE Agatha Christie fan - I think I've read most of her books at this point in my life. Anyway, some of her books are at the top of my list for all-time favorites, including "And Then There Were None" (also published as "Ten Little Indians"), "Murder on the Orient Express", and pretty much any of the Poirot mysteries (Miss Marple is fine, but I'd pick Poirot over her any day). Happy Reading!
I HEART Jane Austen big time, too...curious if the Zombie one is fun or irritating?
I think I'll join Booking It, too! :) My favorite book (right now) is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers; my fave author is C.S. Lewis. He's a genius. :)
I've never read Little Women either! I got a Kindle for Christmas and I put it on there. Haven't gotten to it yet. Some great reads I've read fairly recently... The Shadow of the Wind, The Forgotten Garden, The Condition, The Help, Cutting for Stone, Water for Elephants, The Thirteenth Tale. (PS - Thanks for commenting on my Cookie Exchange post at Vanderbilt Wife:)
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