Okay, so this week's assignment is to find our purpose. Like I said, I've made some progress, I'm not losing things as much, I've put some good systems in place, but on a daily basis I am surrounded by clutter and clueless how best to use my time--should I be playing with my kids or going through the piles in my closet? Should I clean the powder room or the master bathroom? And there's so much to do that I get overwhelmed and play on the internet.
Brenda recommends we dig deep for a substantial purpose/reason to keep us going in the challenge. I assume that's so when we hit that inevitable "why bother?" moment, we have a statement of purpose to remind us that life isn't going to get better till we get organized. So while I have a lot of practical reasons to get organized (so I can find my stuff when I need it), the *purpose* behind the effort is this: the clutter is keeping me from living the life I want. I want a life that includes less stuff, a house that I can invite people into, a clean shower that wouldn't frighten the health department. I want to be a happy mom who plays with her kids and a balanced mom who reads (and maybe puts together photo albums). I want my husband to be less frustrated and I want my kids to have happy memories of childhood. And so on....
Obviously the bonus is that I can blog about my progress! To see some of my past successes, click on the organizing tab in my sidebar. Also, Organizing Junkie is planning 52 Weeks of Organizing so every Friday we can share our organizing successes in the comments or by linking up. {Nothing like seeing other people's Before and After pictures to keep me motivated and excited to declutter!} So stayed tuned, hopefully I'll have lots of successes (and no doubt some failures/hiccups along the way) to share in '11.
Do you want to get more organized in this new year? Visit Brenda to check it out!
Ah, the internet. It too is my go to place when I don't know where to begin or don't want to begin. Here's to hoping the weekly progress will enable us to be the happy moms that we desire to be!!
So excited to read that you are joining the challenge too and I really appreciate your honesty with regards to not knowing when to play and when to tackle those projects. If I could figure that out I think I could be more effective for sure.
It will be so nice to have accountability and encouragement with this, don'tcha think? :)
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned going to the internet when feeling lost and overwhelmed.
Thanks for joining me in my journey. The accountability will be good for me.
Oh my gosh...you are just like me when it comes to clutter/organizing/avoiding! I stumbled upon your site through the OYOL project. I've read a couple of your previous posts on time management and organizing, and I love them! :) It's so nice to read tips from someone who is closer to my state of being than someone who appears to have everything together already! ;-) Thanks for your honesty!
Oh my gosh...you are just like me when it comes to clutter/organizing/avoiding! I stumbled upon your site through the OYOL project. I've read a couple of your previous posts on time management and organizing, and I love them! :) It's so nice to read tips from someone who is closer to my state of being than someone who appears to have everything together already! ;-) Thanks for your honesty!
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