I have two housework blitzes to report this week. First, on Friday (7/10), I did a 30 minute blitz. I set the timer for 25 minutes and accomplished the following:
-load and start the dishwasher
-409 the countertop
-scrub pots and pans
-fold and put away towels (the timer rang during the folding, I continued 5 more minutes till done)
On Monday, I set the timer for 30 minutes: started dinner (put chicken on to boil), loaded the dishwasher, and started organizing a dumping-ground area of my kitchen counter. I wasn't able to complete that project during this blitz, but I came back to it later and finished. To see more on that "tackle," see this post.
Sadly, I didn't work on my official project this week. However, that was because I've been working on a different task this week: packing up three boxes of hand-me-downs to send to friends/family. That too remains a work-in-progress, but the girl box is nearly ready to ship!
As of this writing, I can't see a Linky thing on Organized Everyday. I don't know if it's my technical difficulty or hers. Anyway, I wanted to report my progress. I'll keep checking and hopefully link up soon. Thanks!
Hi!! I am still confused as to why there is no linky on my site. They all went POOF! I'll be investigating this. Thanks for being a faithful participator! What a productive little bee you've been! Good job on everything!
Just wanted to come by and say thanks for the comment on my WFMW post! It was my first. I'd love to see pics of your magnets if you post them!
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