I don't have much to say in terms of "review" right now. I'm reading and watching the same things as last time. We did have "Rodeo Day" at my daughter's preschool this morning. She had fun, and that's what's important {I was pretty bored}. I'm proud of myself that in my very limited alone time this morning, I actually went for a walk. I'm trying to "get healthy" yet this is maybe the 4th time I've gone walking in 2012.
My new favorite "thing" is that I bought plastic cups at Kmart a few weeks ago to stop using disposable. They were 4 cups for $2 and I bought 2 sets (so 8 cups for $4)--all red, so the kids won't argue who gets what color--and they are so handy. Exciting, I know.
Since I'm clearly out of clever things to say, I'll move on to 5QF.........

1. If you were free to just hop in the car and drive, where would you go? Or, if you could hop a plane and go anywhere, where?
Haha, I'm not much for spontaneity, so let's see. Assuming we're talking all expenses paid (and maybe we can throw in a nanny to accompany us, while we're at it), I'd like to fly to Indiana to see my BFF.
Haha, I'm not much for spontaneity, so let's see. Assuming we're talking all expenses paid (and maybe we can throw in a nanny to accompany us, while we're at it), I'd like to fly to Indiana to see my BFF.
2. What's your most recently read favorite book?
Of the books I've read recently, my favorite was probably Minding Frankie by Maeve Binchy.
Of the books I've read recently, my favorite was probably Minding Frankie by Maeve Binchy.
3. What's your favorite Spring Break memory?
I was spoiled as a kid and most years we would travel for Spring Break. We had what I think you'd call a timeshare in Kiawah Island, South Carolina--a condo on the beach (told you, spoiled). Those were great vacations: pool time, beach time, a little exploring, a day trip to historic Charleston. Fun!
4. What do you put in your child's Easter basket? Or, for those w/o kids, what was put in your childhood basket?
Because of my son's food allergies, I've always had to be creative to fill our Easter baskets with stuff other than candy. Now I don't even think about candy! This year I have a few things I got on clearance from the "stocking stuffer" aisle after Christmas and I think each kid will get one bigger toy (L would love a Lego Batman set). For a few years, I had a theme going that I'd put religious books in their baskets, but I've gotten out of that habit.
5. Do you get a summer haircut?
I don't have a tradition of getting a summer haircut, but this year I plan to chop my hair. Since having kids, I've gone back and forth between my "favorite" hairstyle (a bob about chin length) and a super short cut (similar to Rachel Maddow, see below). I have the bob right now, though it's approaching my shoulders and I'm at the point where I throw my hair in a ponytail Every Single Day so it's time to chop it! Once the weather gets a few degrees hotter, I'll get the short 'do and it should last the 6 months of heat. {I'm really ambivalent about how I look with the short cut, sometimes I think I look like a 14-year-old boy. Other times I think it's a more sophisticated and grown-up look, which I like.}
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