Haha, that was an unplanned blogging break. And honestly, I didn't miss it too much. But I think I'm going to try posting weekly. Every Friday I'd like to try to share one thing from my life/ the previous week. It may be a thing I'm loving, or something working for me, or a political rant, or like today, just a Five Question Friday. Let's dig in, shall we?
Oh and by the way, my background seems to have disappeared. That may be that kick in the butt I need to find a new design. But I digress....

1. What is the weather like where you are and do you like it?
I am in Phoenix and usually this is our "cold" season but lately we are in the '70s. Part of me wishes I could be wearing my sweaters, since I only have a short "winter" to wear them--and I am indeed a sweater girl. But mostly I'm really enjoying this weather! Jeans plus short sleeves, hot in the sun but with a nice breeze. I'll take it!
2. When you're sick what do you seek comfort from?
My bed. I LOVE SLEEP and I don't think you can heal without lots of it.
3. What do you need to do before the end of the month?
I'm taking a pretty laid-back approach to this month after the crazy holiday season, but I'd be overjoyed if I finished thank you notes by the end of this month. :-)
4. Have you ever served on a jury?
Yes. When I was home from college one summer, I was called to jury duty. I really wanted to get out of it, but I was chosen and was on a jury for basically a mugging. It was a HORRIBLE experience (one juror refused to cooperate with the other 11 of us and what should have taken a couple hours of deliberation dragged into a second day). Grrrrr. But I learned a lot (mostly about how the jury system is broken) and all these years later I can appreciate that I had that experience. However, I would not want to do it again!!!
5. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
Well, my favorite animals are the peacock and alligators/crocodiles. Not sure I'd want to be one of those. What's the laziest animal on Earth, that's what I'd like to be. Like pandas, they literally just eat and sleep. Yeah, I think I'd like to be a panda. {That answer probably wouldn't go over well in a job interview.}
For more Q&A fun, head over to Mama M's. Have a great weekend!
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