Best Plug-Ins for Mommy Blogs also by Oh Amanda. I'm so clueless about the techy stuff of blogging, but this makes me think I may be able to spiff up this here space, stay tuned....
Find Your Compass at Motherhood Your way. {I know, this is also by Oh Amanda, the trifecta!} This is such a fabulous post about finding your way, your focus, your parenting goal--I'm totally working on this!
How to Balance Structure and Flexibility by Steady Mom via Life as Mom. Another great parenting post, especially as I'm working on time management.
I'll Pray for you... no, just kidding by Mrs. Dexter introduced me to this awesome site called Echo Prayer--a genius way to fit in prayer throughout the day. I've been using Echo Prayer for about a week and I love it!
In which I share some not-at-all-original ideas by Boomama (whom I love and adore) compiles a wonderful list of recipes suitable for entertaining.
The Jane Austen music video shared by Miskellany--scenes from Jane Austen movies set to Taio Cruz. Genius editing, if you are a JA fan, you must check it out!!! (The second video she posted is kinda cute too.)
Alright, I think that's everything, until next time. For more greatness around the blogosphere, check out Saturday Stumbles, now hosted by Simply Staci. Have a great weekend!What's the best thing you've read lately?
I'm with you on still trying to figure out all the techy bloggy stuff. I love that list of plug ins from Amanda...now just to try them out!!
Thanks for linking up!
Ah, I'm loving the plug in list. I've actually been looking for a few of those.
In reply to your crib tent comment, in case you dont visit the comments again...
I think a crib tent is a wonderful invention. I'm just thinking Ethan would find a way around it. This is a child, who at 10 months, opened a cabinet door, that had a child lock on it, pulled out a box of cereal and a never been opened before jar of hot sauce. He opened the hot sauce and was dipping cereal and eating it. We really have never been able to keep him out of much of anything.
Does the crib tent go all the way down and under the mattress? Or could he get up under it and pull at it enough to get between the tent and the slats, and thus climbing out?
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