Grade School: maroon and gold
High School: blue and green
College: brown and blue
Law School: maize and blue
Hmmm, I just noticed that other than grade school, all my schools had some form of blue color(h.s. was like a regular blue, college was a light blue and law school was navy blue). Fascinating!
2. What's the best compliment you ever received?
The summer before my senior year in high school, I went to a summer program at a university. I'm someone who is always signing something or another. Anyway, so I'm walking down the hall of the dorm with a friend and singing I-don't-know-what and this guy that I barely knew overheard and complimented my singing. He asked if I was a soloist at my school!!! It was a crazy idea--little ol' me a soloist? Not at my crazy competitive high school! I was always in the back of the chorus. To this day, this is the greatest unsolicited compliment I've ever received--it was so out-of-the-blue and genuine.
3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?
I buy good toilet paper inexpensively. ;-) We get Charmin at Costco.
4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?
I can think of three surprise parties in my lifetime. First, for my 18th birthday in college, my roommate threw me a surprise party in our common area in the dorm. Surprised me as I came back to the dorm after church Sunday night. Complete and total shock. It wasn't much of a party, I don't think there was food, one acquaintance gifted me with a beer, but it was a really nice gesture. And it was only a month into the school year, so it made me feel at home. :-)
Second one: in law school for my 22nd birthday, my then-boyfriend/now-husband and I headed out to Pizzeria Uno for dinner. At the hostess stand, we ran into another couple from our class and awkwardly tried to figure out if we should join each other for dinner, but I didn't suspect anything. Then we all headed downstairs and there was the rest of our class there to surprise me for my birthday! I'm not even sure Hubby knew about it. Good times.
My 19th birthday was also full of surprises. My friend organized for a bunch of us to go apple-picking (unrelated to my upcoming birthday). It was lots of fun. Then we drove to her parents' house who lived in the area and it became a surprise birthday party for me with food and gifts and cake. Then, they took me to an ice cream parlor that embarasses the birthday girl/guy on the loudspeaker. Lots of fun!
I tried to return the favor and surprise that friend on her birthday. We gathered everyone in a friend's dorm room and surprised her--at least she looked surprised, but when I asked if she was surprised, she said "no," she'd overheard us planning it in the dining hall. :-( {Note: if you are ever in that situation, where you weren't really surprised, please lie and say you were, it will make your host feel better.} Still, a good time was had by all.
5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?
I can't choose--I cannot live without either chapstick or Coke. (Hopefully, in a future season of life, I can wean myself off of caffeine, but right now, it's a necessity.)
For more fun answers, go here. Have a great weekend!
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