My husband, genius that he is, bought 2 packages of 12 washcloths. This turned out to be a great idea. Here's why:
-They're cheap! We got ours at Kohl's and each set of 12 was about $4--3 cloths for a dollar, (33 cents each) doesn't get much cheaper than that!
-They're absorbent. They work as well as a paper towel, if not better.
-They're white, so I can throw them in any load of laundry. I don't care if they get discolored in a red or dark load (which they don't, because I use Color Catchers), nor do I care if they get stained by food or 409.
Since I throw them in whatever wash I'm doing that day, we always have clean washcloths. They are stuffed in a kitchen drawer (I'm not much for folding). My husband uses 3 each night when he 409s the counters and table and I use them throughout the day to soak up messes or clean/dry a counter. I'd say we save a bunch of paper towels (and therefore money) this way.
Cheap and easy. {Oh and green, saving those trees!} That's how I like it!
This post will be linked to Works For Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.
How do you save on paper products?
1 comment:
The other thing I love about real towels is that they don't shred apart and leave little bits of paper all over the surface you're trying to clean!
I also save paper, plastic, and money by using a reusable cup instead of tampons--it's wonderful!!
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